Thursday, January 28, 2010

Video: Remember that Gullwing tunnel trick? Yeah, that was Schumi

Schumacher surprises still again – Click above to view the recording after the jump

Mercedes-Benz looked same it was discover to modify the laws of physics when it released recording footage – whether existent or digitally created – of its newborn sulphate AMG supercar dynamical face down in a tunnel. Now it looks same they're discover to modify history, too. Retroactively.

If you check the example footage, chances are you won't recognize the test utility on duty, supernaturally talented though he appears to be. But check it again in the newborn edition after the move and – presto change-o! – it was archangel Schumacher every along! Cute trick, especially considering he probably wasn't subscribed to his newborn care with Mercedes when they made this clip. For our part, we're still astonied he's not dynamical a Ferrari in retirement, so at this point anything's believable.

[Source: Le Blog Auto]

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