Friday, September 11, 2009

Nissan 370Z Roadster

Nissan 370Z Roadster. Debut at the Salon in New York for the new Nissan 370Z, massive spider traditional canvas hood in an angry strong V6 capacity of about 332 horses. The Nissan sports department strikes again: After this miracle technique called GT-R, the Japanese technicians to submit another sports car, designed to warm the hearts of fans. Than the high maximum power, torque values also announcing absolutely interesting. Two choices for the change: in addition to the classic six-speed manual, the buyer may opt for a sophisticated seven-speed sequential, able to provide lightning-fast changes of gear. Compared to the Coupe, the Nissan 370Z Roadster gains further momentum, taking an even more fascinating.

The choice of canvas roof in place of fashionable retractable metal hardtop is dictated by the need to stem the rise of the masses in order to secure driving experience so thrilling as that offered by the coupe version. The cabin promises to be sporty and well finished, with the inevitable full-grain leather seats equipped with sophisticated seams visible retro flavor. Soon we will be able to give first impressions of driving on the new Nissan 370Z Roadster.
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